Upcoming Events

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Upcoming events

Now thru 17 February - order local organic seeds to benefit the Beach School Garden program -
Return seed order forms to Terri Cook; visit the Uprising Organics catalog at school or online.
  • 18th - Kids Night Out
  • 29th -6th grade Power Point Presentations
  • 31st - Science Fair


  • 22nd- Earth Day
  • All Island Revue

Thursday, October 7, 2010

PTO October News

Garden Party - Sunday, Oct. 10, Noon-2pm. Join us at the Beach School Garden for a Global Day of Action, in conjunction with 350.org. We’ll have fall planting and clean-up projects for your helping hands.

PTO MeetingWednesday, Oct. 13th, 6:45 pm at Beach School in Judy’s classroom (downstairs).

Chalk Art Festival - Friday, Oct. 15th, 12:20-2:10 pm. Spend a fall afternoon creating, or simply enjoying, chalk art. We supply the chalk and the space, you supply your support and creativity. Contact Julie Hirsch x4046 for details.

Beach School Halloween Party and Haunted House Saturday, October 30th, 6:30-8:30 pm. Remember the excitement of dressing up for Halloween as a kid? Share that experience with Beach School students. The PTO invites our community members to volunteer and help us pull off a hauntingly good time. We offer a variety of activity stations for all the ghosts, goblins and fairy princesses to enjoy (games, candy, toys). We need people to make cakes for the cake walk and volunteers for the working the booths. This event is open to the public and we encourage you to bring your friends. Contact Tierra McLane x2354 for details.

TRICK OR TREAT - sign-up sheet available at the Islander if you are interested in having trick or treaters come to your house on Halloween.

The PTO sends a big THANK YOU to our Lummi Island community for all their support. Our first meeting of the year was well attended and we are very excited about the coming year. We are discussing new fundraisers for this school year – stay tuned for details. We appreciate and value your input and ideas so please try to attend our meetings on the 2nd Wednesday of the month.

PTO officers can be contacted via: ptobeachschool@gmail.com, or visit our blog http://beachschoolpto.blogspot.com/ to view our event schedule. We welcome your thoughts, ideas and participation.

We look forward to seeing you throughout October.

Buffy Fox, Angie Dixon, Jackie Granger, Kathy Buford, Julie Hirsch

2010-2011 PTO Executive Committee

Monday, September 6, 2010

PTO back to school

Join the 2010-2011 PTO and kick off a new school year

6:30 Pot-luck 7:00-8:30 meeting Wednesday 29 September

In the past few years the Beach PTO has raised between $13,000-19,000 a year
Providing direct student, teacher, and classroom support through enrichments, leadership, assemblies, community events and field trips.
Help us continue this level of support and share your passions to help shape your child's education.

2010-2011 Science Focus March Science Fair
Have scientific resources to share?

Interested in private or group music lessons?
Scheduling Thursday afternoons; Erna Gregory 758-4076 coordinator

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Newly elected PTO officers

Here it is...

PTO's Maiden Blog (and email address: PTOBeachSchool@gmail.com)

Plus the announcment of the 2010-2011 PTO Officers:
Buffy Fox, Pres.
Angie Dixon, VP
Jackie Granger, Treas.
Kathy Buford, Secr.
Julie Hirsh, Volunteer coord.

Meeting schedule:
Sept - June
2nd Wednesday of Month

Parents and commuity members always welcome.
Beach School benefits from it's strong community.